Our Framework for Action
The WSD Framework for Action and the goals underpin the work of WSD and comprises three major sections including Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention and Management; and Enablers, with key indicators under each:

This Framework is approved by the Executive Management Team comprising the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD); Western Sydney Primary Health Network (WSPHN); Department of Planning and Environment (DPE); and Diabetes Australia.
An Alliance of partner organisations from all tiers and sectors of government, the private sector, education and NGOs support the delivery of these goals. We aim to prevent and slow health deterioration that can escalate from obesity to pre-diabetes to uncomplicated diabetes to diabetes with devastating comorbidities.
The healthy benchmarks for western Sydney are aimed at turning our diabetes red spot on the map into blue. A patient-centred approach is designed to create an efficient and higher quality experience for patients. This approach is ultimately aimed at reducing the burden and costs of diabetes in the district.
This district approach recognises that diabetes care is multi-disciplinary and occurs in a variety of settings and the prevention is multi-sectoral, so a partnership approach needs to be mobilised to support the initiative.