Mount Druitt Community Diabetes Clinic

Mount Druitt Community Diabetes Clinic

Mount Druitt Clinic: A new model of care

The Mt Druitt Community Diabetes Clinic (MDCDC) was launched in May 2020 and has operated using a combination of virtual and in-person care modalities, with the aim of: 

  • Improving outcomes for people with diabetes in the local community
  • Enhancing the capability and capacity of general practice in diabetes management
  • Providing better value care for people with diabetes, especially those requiring specialist team input to better manage their condition. 

This evaluation was jointly commissioned and resourced by the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) and Western Sydney Diabetes. Rooftop Social worked in partnership with the team at WSD to design and undertake the evaluation. 

The clinic offers:

  • Face-to-face and telehealth diabetes clinic appointments for patients;
  • Easy access via public transport and parking;
  • Capacity building outcomes for referring GPs and community health staff;
  • Multi-disciplinary approach to patient management; and
  • Engagement with the local Aboriginal health service by joining with referring GPs via telehealth.
GP VMO Dr Aajuli Shukla talks to patient Mohammed Arif over telehealth.

The clinic runs on a model where four GPs attend and see patients with complex Type 2 diabetes under the supervision of endocrinologists from WSD, a diabetes educator and a dietitian.

Referring GPs join the consults via telehealth to discuss their patient’s management plan.

Learn more about our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clinic on Mondays here. 

MDCHC Dietitian group sessions

Nutrition and medication management are key to optimising the diabetic outcomes of the clients. In response to the clinical demand, our WSD dietitian developed a monthly group education session. The 75-minute session focuses on nutrition and diabetes management through face-to-face and virtual platforms monthly to empower positive lifestyle changes. 

Post group session, all participants are provided with an individual dietetic appointment to support their nutritional management.

Extra Resources: 

  • Read about the launch of the clinic here.
  • See a video of the clinic here.
  • Learn how to become a GPVMO here.
MDCDC Evaluation 

In 2022, WSD scientifically evaluated the clinic with an academic submission recently made to the International Journal of Integrated Care. This revealed the high level of acceptance for the clinic by patients and providers, the benefits of the service to patients, as well as important areas to improve for the future.

Read the evaluation here.

Nurse Practitioner Ana Murugesan inserts a Flash CGM on a patient at the community diabetes clinic.
Flash eye tests are conducted at the clinic.
Endocrinologist Dr Rajini Jayaballa and Nurse Practitioner, Anandhi Murugesan with the four GP VMOs Dr Cathy Ngo, Dr Chitra Sivaramamoorthy, Dr Vivienne Sharma and Dr Aajuli Shukla, and dietitian, Victoria Silvestro.